Q.Groovy code is compiled to byte code that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Q.In Groovy map, each element will be mapped to a
Q.Groovy can be used as a scripting language.
Q.All the packages and classes in Groovy is imported by default, you do not have to use the import statement explicitly
Q.It is necessary to pass parameters while calling a parameterized method in Groovy.
Q.Automatic Resource Management or ARM block from java 7 are supported in Groovy
Q.Which class is used to create an XML document
Q.What will be the output for the following code? def example = 1..100 println(example.getTo())
Q.Groovy invokes Methods during _______ time.
Q.Expandoclass in Groovy are inherited by default
Q.Keyword used to define a variable or method is
Q.In groovy all methods and classes are--------------by default