jQuery is a popular JS library developed by ______.
- John Snow
- John Robert
- John Resig
- John Smith
jQuery supports AJAX.
All jQuery codes should be included within ______ function.
jQuery helps in ____ side scripting.
ID selector is used with _____
To filter based on element index, use ______
- eq()
- range()
- filter()
- slice()
The following are all selectors, except ______
To filter based on condition, use _____
- slice()
- eq()
- range()
- filter()
Elements attached using live can be removed using ______
preventDefault has two parameters.
To remove a handler from an event, use
- multiple()
- on()
- off()
- many()
To remove the focus from a form element, use ______
- focus()
- blur()
- removeFocus()
To add delay in animation, use _____
- time()
- late()
- delay()
- duration()
To read value from a form element, use _____
- val()
- html()
- remove()
- empty()
Multiple animations will be executed in _____ fashion.
To add custom animation, use ______
- animation()
- customAnimate()
- animate()
- custom()
Use ____ for iteration over array and object.
- objectlterate()
- iterate()
- arraylterate()
- each()
Which parameter of load()'s callback function has the data?
- responseTxt
- xhr
- statusTxt
_____ is used to send a request to the server, along with some data.
Which method helps you to replace $ with the keyword jQuery ?
- replace()
- alternate()
- noConflict()
To add custom effect, use _____
- customEffect()
- custom()
- effect()
- animation()
The following are interactions available in jQueryUI, except ______
- draggable
- selectable
- sortable
- accordion()
To make a set of elements expandable and collapsible, use _____
- accordion()
- colapse()
- expand()
- select()
To animate all the changes while adding a class, use ______
- animateClass()
- classChange()
- updateClass()
- addClass()
jQuery works for both HTML and XML.
jQuery code should be included within the _____ tag.
- heading
- script
- paragraph
- anchor
To add multiple events to an element, use _____
- on()
- multiple()
- off()
- many()
To read value from a form element, use ______
- html()
- val()
- empty()
- remove()
The Swipe event is triggered when a horizontal drag of ______ px or more occurs.
jQuery mobile automatically uses widgets based on the element type.
To remove a handler from an event, use ______
- many()
- off()
- multiple()
- on()
To remove the focus from a form element, use _______
- blur()
- removeFocus()
- focus()
The function that will directly load content form server into DOM
Class selector is used with _____
Use _____ for iteration over array and object.
- each()
- iterate()
- arraylterate()
- objectlterate()
jQuery follows W3C standards.
The following are all selectors, except _____
jQuery mobile can be used to develop hybrid apps.
To delete only the child element of the selected element, use
- html()
- remove()
- val()
- empty()
____ is used to scroll vertically up to a particular pixel without triggering an event handler.
- scroll()
- silentScroll()
- verticalScroll()
Can there be more than one ready function in jQuery?
All the tab headings should be included within
- <ol>
- Either of the options
- Both the options
- <ul>
jQuery mobile has how many sets of themes that can be used?