From the following _____ is a NOSQL Database Type
In MongoDB _____ sorting is not supported
From the following ______ is the simplest NOSQL databases
________ is the method used to limit the records in MongoDB.
_____ is the command in mongodb that is equivalent of SQL's truncate.
Which of the following is not a stage in Pipeline aggregation?
Find the correct syntax to calculate aggregate values for the data in a collection.
Column in SQL terminology is in MongoDB.
Which is the command-line tool that can view database activity by monitoring network traffic going to and from MongoDB?
MongoDB is written in which language?
mongoimport is a tool in mongodb, which is used to ______.
Which of the following can be an interactive shell for mongoDB?
Which is the format of document supported by Mongo?
Which of the following data type is not used in MongoDB?
What does the following $slice query return using the following command? {}, { comments: { $slice: [ -100, 5 ] } } )
Suppose we have Store collection that contains more than 1000 documents. What does the following command do?
Which collection maintains insertion order and behaves like a circular queue once specified size has reached?
Which is the easy way to find the storage engine currently used in MongoDB?
Which is the command-line tool used to provide a method to keep track of the amount of time a MongoDB instance spends reading and writing data?
Cursors in MongoDB default returns _____ number of documents to Mongoshell.
Documents in MongoDB are stored in _____.
Which tool can write data from a binary database dump created by mongodump to a MongoDB instance?
Which network library does mongosniff requires?
_____ storage engine supports document level concurrency model.
Which is the data type used by capped Collection?