Q.Which is the fastest implementation of Python?
- Iron Python
- Cpython
- Jython
- Pypy
Q.Python supports automatic garbage collection.
Q.Consider b is frozen set, what happen to b.add(3)?
- 3 will be added as constant
- 3 will not be available for other general operations
- Error as frozen sets cannot be modified
Q.What is the output of min('Infinity')?
Q.Which of these could be used in tuple object
- Sorted, Lens , Max
- Append
- Reverse , Max
Q.Which action should be avoided so that you do not mistakenly overwrite names that you have already defined?
- use the wildcard import
- Using aliases when importing
- import selectively with aliases
- import selective objects
Q.Which statement accurately defines the bool class?
- Boolean Not returns False if the operand is True
- Zero values are considered True some times.
- Zero values are considered True always
- Bool class is subclass of array class
- Boolean first returns False then the True value
Q.What is the output of the following code? for x in (1,10,100) print (x)
- 110100
- error
- 1 10 100
- 110100
Q.Which statements will result in slice of tuple?
- a_tuple[0] =[5] a_tuple[::2]
- a_tuple[::-1] a_tuple[0] =[5]
- a_tuple[::2] a_tuple[:]
- a_tuple[:] a_tuple[::-1]
Q.Which of these packages in python helps with scientific applications of Python ?
- ResearPy & AnalPy
- SciPy & NumPy
- Pygame & Pysci
- MathPy & LabPy
Q.What will be output of below text. info1 = 'Infinity' info1.find('a')
Q.Which of these are salient features of Python, except?
- Broad Standard library
- Open Source
- Simple to learn & understand
- limited platform support
Q.Which of these is Desktop applications is created using Python ?
- Sametime
- Blender
- Webscripting
- Drop box
Q.Bitwise operators cannot be used on the float type
Q.Python supports automatic garbage collection.
Q.Which of the following attributes shows the characteristics of Python? Python is everywhere (Webscripting, 3D Modelling , Games , and Desktop applications ).
- Ubiquity
- Broad Standard Library
- Powerful interpreter
- Object Oriented